
Changing Your Body’s Ecosystem

The microbiome has the greatest control of our health and how well we age.  Many microbes offer major protection against premature aging and disease, some cause these processes. The microbiome is not limited to our large intestine. This ecosystem includes the entire digestive tract as well as our skin, hair and scalp, nails, and many other areas of the body that few consider the importance of microbial balance.Our lifestyle has the greatest influence on the populations of bacteria that can make or break the microbiome. Not only our food choices, but also the skin care products, toothpastes, medications, supplements, and household cleaning agents we use all have a say in what our personal ecosystem looks like.

While many health conscious individuals look closely at the amount of carbohydrates or type of fat in their diet, far less stop to consider the lifestyle choices that ultimately either feed or weed their body’s microbial garden. A comprehensive program that will be sure to improve one’s metabolic and digestive health along the way, this 3 day course provides the science, knowledge, and recipes for a healthy ecosystem. 

Changing Your Body’s Ecosystem


John Bagnulo & Jan Buhrman

The Farmhouse at Big Picture Farm in Townsend, VT

October 1, 2, 3, 2021

Rooms range from $330 to $400. per night. See room options here.

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Email jan@kitchenporch.com with your room preference.
Questions: 508 360 4491 
Registration: $500, non-refundable
$749.00 for weekend includes:
    • All meals
    • Three lectures, three cooking classes and one hike
    • 1 full weeks of recipes and list of resources
    • $500 non refundable registration fee to secure your spot
The tentative schedule for weekend is:
    • Friday 4-9 p.m. Includes Dinner
    • Saturday 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Sunday 7 a.m. -12 noon
Why Diaeta? The word comes from the Greek word meaning “ way of life” or “covering the earth.”To us, Diaeta describes our way of life — living a diet of balance.Our classes strive to create a balanced way of living through diet and lifestyles John Bagnulo and Jan Buhrman John brings the nutrition and the science behind our philosophies and Jan ties in the practical “how-to” of incorporating healthy recipes and lifestyle into ones life. John explores the science behind these approaches to healthy living and presents the latest research to the classes  in fun approachable ways. Jan puts it all together by teaching how to incorporate into your daily life.

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